Thursday, September 27, 2012

Updates and random thoughts

So Simon is almost 9 months old. He's standing some by himself. I first caught him standing two weeks ago while holding the remote control in his mouth. He is cruising around some, but sometimes crawling is faster. I often let him crawl around the kitchen, dining room, and living room while I am working on supper or just folding laundry. I have caught him crawling to the laundry room and heard the sound of the cat food bowl. I think I will need to put up the baby gate soon.

Today happens to be my birthday. I had a little time to reflect this morning on my life. It has had its ups and downs. I have had successes and failures. I once was reminded that without failures, we don't appreciate our successes. It does seem that now my successes revolve around my family more than myself. Over the last year, I have had a baby at term who has been a great joy to my life. I never imagined the bond that Simon and Luke would have. Luke has started school, too, and I did not cry that first day of school. We have already adjusted to getting up earlier and getting to school on time. Jeff continues to be a great support with the kids and allowing me to work. At work, we are getting busier and I feel we do a good job. We did get a new boss, so we are all adjusting to that. My church family has changed some, but I am happy where we are - with genuinely loving people whose goals match mine.

Today also marks 40 days until the election. Anyone who knows me already knows my views. All I can say is this country needs some help. We have to pray that God will forgive us and heal us. We need to pray for godly leaders who want the best for all people. We want someone to have morals. We need to pray for vision to protect Israel - God's chosen people.

So what else is on my mind? I was thinking about it the other day that really, truly, I am a kind person. I try to think of others a lot. I always remember birthdays, babies, people's financial and personal situations. I am burdened by my lost patients. Yet, it seems that I often get the "short end of the stick." I have found myself feeling somewhat annoyed about it all, but then I remember how kind and tender-hearted my Jesus has been. And I strive to be more like Him - despite how I am treated, even when I am hurt.

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